Monday 11 March 2013

Model Reeva Steenkamp Met Her Ex-Boyfriend Two Days Before She Was Killed : Pistorius Interupted Them Twice.

Reeva Steenkamp met her ex-boyfriend two days before she was gunned down, it will be claimed in a television show to be aired tonight in SA. Oscar Pistorius  who is currently on bail after being charged with her murder  reportedly twice interrupted the meeting between the model and the man she went out with for five years, Warren Lahoud. Model Steenkamp, 29, was shot through the toilet door by Pistorius, in the early hours of Valentine’s Day. He claims had mistaken her for an intruder.  Mr Ladoud said he met former girlfriend for a coffee in innocent circumstances. More After Cut.

He said: 'I’ve met him twice and there was never anything negative out of it at all. (It was) fine…no problem at all.' But he did ask her about Pistorius telephoning her twice on her mobile during their get together. 'I said is everything ok. "I mean he’s phoned twice already, every twenty minutes". I asked her that question. She said "there’s nothing wrong".' It comes as friends close to Pistorius claim he is a ‘broken man’ on the verge of suicide, and as his lawyers battle to get his bail conditions relaxed. Mr ladoud narrated 'She contacted me and we met up for a quick coffee, and that was it.

'We did (exchange text messages), to meet up the previous week. It was just a hello, how are you, and that’s it, and I suppose that led up to meeting me. 'She seemed fine. We didn’t really discuss personal relationships; it was more a friendly thing. 'She didn’t seem unhappy. She always told me that she wouldn’t be with anybody that she felt unhappy with, or she wouldn’t allow herself to be with somebody like that. 'I’m actually glad that we did meet now.  I’m very glad that I did see her.
 She was unbelievable from the beginning. She really captured everything of me and was a great person. 'Reeva had a beautiful loving heart, she gave everything, and was friendly to everyone. She really made you feel good and welcome. 'In a matter of conversing with her for a few seconds you’d feel like you’v e known her for years. 'That was how Reeva was.  Very open and loving and full of fun.’ When asked if miss t was just random.  She asked me how business was going, I asked her how her modelling was going, what she’s doing, where she’s at, how things are. 'It was that kind of friendly chat, it wasn’t anything specific we met for. Just a catch up of what’s going on, and how our families are.  That kind of stuff.  You know, nothing specifically intense or anything like that.'


  1. Now this is clear to me, he killed her because she keeps going back to see her Ex. Oscar is evil.

  2. He actually killed the girl just bcos she went to see her Ex. You do not have any right to take another's life even if she was cheating.What ever it was.

  3. Haba, pistorius is mean. She had to pay with her life for meeting up with her Ex. He needs to go down for what he has done.


  5. Rest in peace girl, he killed this girl for this simple reason. That she went to see her Ex, and she kept going back.


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