Saturday, 27 April 2013

Prankster Text Parents: `Got 2 Grams For $40` Before Following With `Sorry Ignore That Text. Not For You`.

A comedian asked his fans to text their parents a cryptic message alluding to a drug deal underway, he preyed on some parents' worst fears.
Text 'got 2 grams for $40,' Fielder instructed his twitter followers to write to their parents before texting a second message immediately after to them reading: 'Sorry ignore that txt. Not for you.'

'Then tweet pic of their response,' Fielder wrote on Wednesday.

The response was overwhelming:
It wasn't funny for most parents...


  1. This is hilarious, got me thinking of playing the same prank on ma mum

  2. This is the funniest joke EVER............I'm goin to do this to my Dad....

  3. I almost wet me sef reading those text LMAO..... cant stop laughing. So funny.

  4. This is so freaking hilarious. dangerous but cool. "You r giving me a heart attack" lol


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