Monday 15 April 2013

Video Of Psy's New Single Gentleman Viewed More Than 60 MILLION Times In 48 Hours On YouTube.

Psy`s strange video was unveiled on the weekend and it borders on the line of offensive and completely bonkers - but his fans seem to love it.

The guy behind Gangnam style has made his comeback with another catchy dance routine - and it’s already infected the internet.
Psy unveiled the official video to follow-up track Gentleman and within two days of appearing on YouTube had already been viewed more than 60 MILLION times. Click for the video
There was obviously pressure on the crazy singer to recreate the popularity of his debut video after it became the most viewed clip on the website with more than 1.5billion hits.

In the typically eccentric video, Psy appears to play pranks on various unsuspecting victims.
Including giving one woman a ‘cupcake’ – but not the delicious baked treat, oh no.

A cupcake is the term used to describe farting into your cupped hands, clasping to contain the gas before opening and unleashing the stench in someone’s face. Yeah, seriously gross.

To be fair, the whole thing is so utterly bonkers you kind of have to watch it yourself.


  1. Rocking the moves already. I like this one.

  2. I don't see anything offensive or rude about this video. its very funny and i like it.


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