Friday 17 May 2013

Montastic...Check Out Monique's Dramatic Weight Loss.

Could you believe how this 45 year old comedienne and Oscar winning actress has lost so much weight over the last few years, going from almost 300kg to 215kg. Monique says she didn't have surgery just good ol' exercise. Below is what she said on a radio programme recently.

     "I tweet every morning, my workouts, because I want women to see - especially us big women - that you don’t have to let them cut you and suck it out, you don't have to let them staple you up, you don't have to let them give you a pill, you don't have to let them put a band around your organs. If you put the work in, baby, I promise you, it comes off."

    "I am the best Mo'Nique I've ever been in my life right now. And I still have a way to go. But I feel amazing.

Well Done Monique!


  1. so that's y she's been hiding, working her behind off to look fit. Well done MO.

  2. now bring back the Monique show. I loved that show, purely interviews, no gossips...


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