Tuesday 23 July 2013

Business Talk: A little Advice For My Dear Friends&Readers.

As for ME, ME, ME..I do NOT see anything abstractly wrong with friends/acquaintances who decide to operate in the same line of business.. either commercially or professionally. So I always wonder why people who were once 'friends'..begin hot rivalry and suddenly become resentful of themselves because of this.

My perspective of this is very simple. But first I wish to ask. Would you be upset, say if your friend and course mate whom you graduated from school with..now decides to professionally practice for a living, a business that's in line with the directive of the course that you both clearly studied? I buttress....say you are a medical doctor, and your friend is also a medical doctor, would you get upset and say that she's a copycat? For me... there should be NO room between you to allow the state or quality of being complex. Very unhealthy rivalry! As each of you have your respective peculiarities and the areas of specialties that is exclusive to YOU alone while you are on the job. Just like our DNA is exclusive to each of us. This is the professional aspect. Read more.
And the commercial aspect, which by the way is mostly resented by females especially. Say you are a trader whose means of livelihood is to buy and to resell. If for instance your friend is inspired by you, so much that she ventures the same trade, why not take it as a compliment and guide such a friend to perfection? rather than be intimidated or unnecessarily irascible and jealous?

If your friend even decides to patronize the same manufacturer where you buy the bulk of your wholesale stuffs to resell, trust moi, that friend may not have the same selective incline..or have the same sense of being uniquely attracted to stuffs as you do. YES..I know some friends can be so highly obnoxious in their approach..but eh!. There's always that ONE thing that makes us differently outstanding from each other no matter how hard anyone may try to copycat.

The ONLY disadvantage here is that you may both have conflicts in your clientele base and their interests..simply because both of you perhaps keep the same circle of friends. Otherwise, you can still be unique in your own style of trade. Really, Its your clients/friends prerogative to either swing both your ways.. or to decide who amongst you meet their needs the best. Shikena!

Be that as it may. What I won't condone ever is an unhealthy rivalry that some people do. Don't try to talk your friend's business down because you want to out shine her. Even if she's going at her business shabbily or the wrong way, it is NEVER in your place to discredit or ridicule her. If you can not tutor her, fine... but just SHUT UP! Mind your business and let her mind hers. "Oju orun to eye fo lai f'ara kon ra"!

So please..don't kill yourselves just yet people! Let PEACE reign! RoGeR DaT.


  1. I`m so inspired by this blogger, something here to learn. Friends and their jealousy. smh

  2. Nice one girl.

  3. Hmmm. This is deep. U make brain girl. well done.

  4. Well written. Well done.


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