Monday 22 July 2013

Video:Nigerian Actress Stella Damasus Expresses Her Anger Over The Issue Of Underaged Marriage.

Love me some Stella after watching this amazing Video. She gets my vote from now on. lol.
The singer & actress is fuming over this issue. Watch the video after the cut.


  1. my dear Susan, many thanks for posting this video. i've always enjoyed your blog, although i'm more a crusader for what is right than i am a follower of celebridom. i'm posting this video on all my social platforms. it does feel good to know that a famous face from our country has taken a public stand against this nuisance. we just need more and more like her to come to the fore

  2. Our leaders must have sold their souls for something to have allowed this law. See what is happening to the world in the name of religion, Nigeria needs to act now and give these aliens a country of their own, they will drag the country down in time to come.

  3. Britain, why oh why, what was the 1914 almagamation for?

  4. Hats off for this bold woman. Love her more, always have.

  5. Stella has spoken. KPAM.

  6. That's my girl. say it loud, say it clear. bless her.


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