Wednesday 8 January 2014

Acid Attack Victim Naomi Oni Arrives Court To Give More Evidence Against Her Close Friend.

The acid attack victim who was allegedly horrifically injured by one of her closest friends because she was jealous of her looks has arrived at court to give more evidence today.

Mary Konye, 21, admits disguising herself in a niqab and stalking Naomi Oni, also 21, on her way home from work, but denies she doused her in sulphuric acid. Miss Oni yesterday described the moment she was attacked and told Snaresbrook Crown Court after she saw the damage done she thought: ‘I’m ugly, no one’s going to marry me now.'Jurors were also shown CCTV of student Konye disguised in a Muslim veil as she followed her friend on the Tube, before she was attacked late at night on an east London street. Another pic of the attacker after the cut.

CCTV images shows Mary Konye following Naomi Oni before the attack.
Yesterday, she described how, on her way home from work at a Victoria’s Secret lingerie store, she got off at her bus stop in Dagenham, East London, and felt a ‘presence’ before turning to see someone in a niqab.

Describing how she felt after the attack, she said: ‘Am I a bad person? Why has this happened to me? I work hard ... No one’s going to marry me now.’

Miss Oni also revealed that when she told her alleged attacker what had happened, her friend texted back: ‘OMG. Can’t believe it.’

She also cried down the phone to Konye, who offered her support, Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.Miss Oni described how she felt a ‘presence’ behind her as she walked home.

She said: ‘I was still on the phone to my boyfriend and I felt a presence. I turned to my left and I saw someone and a black abaya [cloak] or a black niqab.

She said: ‘I just had my bandages removed and it was the first time I saw my  face after surgery and I broke down and I had spoken to Mary that night  and I was crying on the phone to her and she was on the phone to me telling me, “don’t worry, you’ll be OK”.’


  1. beware of friends.....especially those you call best friends

  2. Why are people so wicked?

  3. This girl is so pretty.


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