Sunday 19 January 2014

Professor Claims Smoking or Drinking During Pregnancy Can Make Your Baby GAY.

A Professor of neurology at the University of Amsterdam claims his controversial new study proves, chances of having a gay child increases when the pregnant mother drinks and smokes. Is it just a gimmick for the sales of his new book? Professor Dick Swaab's new book is We Are Our Brains.

He claims that the chance of having a child who is gay can be determined by a range of factors including how stressed pregnant women are as well as whether they smoke and their exposure to amphetamines.Smoking and drinking while pregnant can affect their babies brains including determining their sexuality, intelligence and chances of developing autism.

Well, in every rumor, there is an iota of truth, we do not need a professor to tell us that stress, smoking and drinking is bad for a pregnant woman, but for the Gay matter? It is na wah.

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