Friday 29 January 2016

Kanye West responds to Amber Rose about those nasty tweets on his sex life.Lol

Clearly feeling the need to clarify some of the finer details of his sex life, the rapper to took to Twitter on Friday in a bid to explain himself.

Offering up rather too much information following his ex-girlfriend’s claims earlier this week, he wrote:
“Exes can be mad but just know   I never let them play with my a**…    I don’t do that… I stay away from that area all together"

Read more after the cut.

“I’m not into that kind of sh**…  I like pictures and videos     Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends.

The over-share comes after Rose, who dated both West and Khalifa, waded into their Twitter row on Wednesday, writing: “Awww @kanyewest are u mad I'm not around to play in ur a*****e anymore?”

Its not over yet, Amber is coming for ya Kanye...

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