Sunday 17 February 2013

A brazilian Woman accuses hospital of snatching her baby from the womb.

Mrs Santos with her pregnancy.

 More after the cut.

Ultra sound report during pregnancy showing the size of baby head and weight.

Layane Santos 19, woke up from a C-Section and she was told that her pregnancy had been 'Psychological'
Mrs Santos is a kitchen assistant . She was 38 weeks pregnant  and with ultra sound reports it showed she was carrying a baby girl who weighted 71bs and measured 42cm. Layane Santos was rushed to the hospital in Sao Paulo in south east Brazil with abdominal  pain and blood loss. She was diagnosed premature separation of the placenta, and she was transferred to the operating room Immediately. she told medics that her husband wanted to be present,but they never called him. Mrs Santos passed out after receiving anesthetics , she woke up without the baby in the room.


  1. wonders will never end. so what's their explanation?

  2. so the child vanished from where?

  3. It was properly planed to steal her baby, y didn't they call her husband even when she told them to? u see.

  4. Even in Brazil.

  5. Na wa o, but see d belle. She was pregnant . At least show her d baby whether dead or alive.

  6. She was their target, yes it was properly planned. Unfortunately for them, they got caught. They will all go down for it.

  7. Wow, that's terrible.


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