Saturday 16 February 2013

One Too Many Vodka: Racist Man Makes- Vernomous Comments On A Plane.

On board a Delta flight on February 8th, a company President showed the reason some people are very skeptical about who they sit next to on a bus, train or flight, it could be a serial racist or worse killer.
Joe Rickey Hundley, 60 is alleged to have told the mother of this baby to 'shut that nig..r baby up' while slapping the baby. The mother also claimed the slap let a bruise on the infant's face after she should not stop her baby from crying as a result of the change in altitude as the plane prepared for landing.

It comes as no surprise to authorities because the man in question has pleaded guilty in 2007 to a misdemeanor charge and carrying a weapon after a rift with his girlfriend. According to Smoking Gun, Hudley was intoxicated during the flight after ordering double vodkas.

Another passenger on the flight said he heard derogatory comments coming from behind him and saw Hundley hitting the infant. He is currently facing a judge in a federal court and faces one year custodial sentence if found guilty.

What is this world turning into.


  1. What's up with all these racist pple.

  2. where is the love? this is insane.

  3. The man needs a dirty slap.


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