Tuesday 19 February 2013

Oscar Pistorius Gives his Account Of Killing‘ I fired shots through the bathroom door.

Read More after the Cut.

A graphic illustrating a suggested representation of the events that lead to Reeva Steenkamp’s death on the morning of February 14.

Oscar Pistorius today gave a horrifying account of the night he shot dead his girlfriend claiming he mistook her for a burglar when he woke up in the middle of the night.
In a statement read out to Pretoria magistrate  court, the Paralympic athlete said he had been on the balcony of his house when he heard noises from the bathroom.
Believing Reeva Steenkamp was asleep in bed, he grabbed his gun and shouted a warning before firing four shots through the door, a judge was told.
It was only then, Pistorius claims that he realised Miss Steenkamp was not in bed. 'I kicked the door open,' he said. 'I tried to help her but she died in my arms.'
'I’m acutely aware of people gaining entries to homes to commit crime, I’ve received death threats. I sleep with my 9mm under my bed. I woke up to close the sliding door and heard a noise in the bathroom.
On 13 Feb Reeva would have gone out with her friends, me with mine. She wanted to stay at home.
'I was watching TV. My legs were off. She was doing yoga. At the end of the evening we got into bed.
'I was scared and didn’t switch on the light. I got my gun and moved towards the bathroom. I screamed at the intruder because I did not have my legs on I felt vulnerable. I fired shots through the bathroom door and told Reeva to call police.
'I walked back to the bed and realized Reeva was not in bed. Its then it dawned on me it could be her in there.
'I kicked the door open. Called paramedics and complex security. I tried to carry her downstairs for help.I tried to help her but she died in my arms. Pistorius was sent back to his cells to spend a sixth night in jail.

He is now facing the possibility of months in jail after a magistrate rules that he faces a charge or premeditated murder, making bail unlikely. At a point Oscar was sobbing uncontrollable that the magistrate  had to stop the proceedings for him to cool down and he was given an energy drink. Oscar told the court that he was deeply in love with his girlfriend.

 The prosecutors didn't seem to believe his own side of the story.

'The applicant armed himself, and attached his prosthesis, walked seven meters to the bathroom and shot the deceased while she was in the toilet. He shot four times… There’s no possible explanation to support his report that he thought it was a burglar, ‘The prosecutor said. If I arm myself walk a distance and murder a person, that is premeditated. ‘The door is closed. There is no doubt. I walk seven meters and I kill. The motive is ‘I want to kill.” That’s it, ‘he added.’ This deceased was in a 1.4 meter little room. she could go no where.

The story continues tomorrow.

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