Thursday 14 February 2013

Please Read This. We need to be Confident and Wise.

Single Mothers are hot property or "Marriage material", but most times they are their problems. They complain bitterly why Men can't marry them, but they caused it.
That against all odds, you bravely and strongly didn't abort that baby.....You are a Hero. Believe Me, many decent girls you see around have done dozens of abortions, even when their boyfriends and family assured them of their full support. They are hypocrites, they mock single mothers....but they fail to realized they are Murderers.
In our Society, it is very difficult for a man to convince his Mum or Family that he wants to marry a single mum. The Society don't wanna know if a Lady has destroyed her womb or not, the Society just want you to marry a "Fresh Lady"......a Lady without a child.
But the Society fail to understand that being a "Fresh Lady" won't determine if a marriage is successful or not.
Most single mothers regret ever having a child, they wished they had opt for an abortion when the opportunity presented itself. Due to this they unleash their anger or "vexing things" on their Children. A man who wants to marry you, would love to see you treat your kid with utmost love and care. He wants you to be happy that you have a baby who is so dear to you.
Michael is a contractor and would love to settle guys hooked up and you told him you have a daughter. Michael told you he's okay with that and would love to marry you. You invited Michael to your house to meet your Parents, Meanwhile you
wanted to prepare Spaghetti for Michael and told your daughter to bring the groundnut oil.....your daughter was bringing the oil and stumbled, the plastic bottle fell down and its content spilled over to the floor. Immediately, you started flogging your daughter and screaming, "Foolish girl, go and look for your father.....your father didn't give me any money to train you"
Michael will go home that day and have a rethink.
That you decided to keep the pregnancy and deliver the baby is a BIG Plus. You should never worry, the happiness of a man or a women comes from within.
As a single Mother, you are very different form the rest.....your stakes are high and you need to be at your best in an attempt to get a good husband.
Self-pity and regret will steal your beauty away, you should at all times be happy and look beautiful.
You should at all times dress well(decently). You should be humble and kind. You should be wise
and clever.
Single Mothers are easy targets for Men who whisper marriages into their ears, have sex with them and disappear. You have to be alert.
Finally, let me introduce you to the "Kangaroo Syndrome". A kangaroo syndrome is a syndrome that makes children to reject men coming to seek their mothers hands in marriage. Some of us had this syndrome while growing up, we hate to see boys coming around to befriend our sisters.
If your child exhibit high levels of Kangaroo syndrome, it will drive Suitors away. A man wants to see your child as his, he wants to be assured that your child will also see him as his/her father.
As a Single Mother, you have to train your child to love and show have to treat his Kangaroo Syndrome, by loving and assuring your child that you will never trade your love for him/ her.....that you will be there for him/her at all times.
If you don't treat the Kangaroo Syndrome, and you get r husband may maltreat your child you had before marrying him.
I quote a true man's word::
"I would prefer to marry a single mother that will bring Joy and Success to my home, than marrying a "fresh lady" that will nag for the rest of our lives."
Your Child is your Joy, guard his/her future jealously.


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