Sunday 17 March 2013

Rapper Ruggedman Is Angry With Channels TV Crew For Being Unprofessional About 'My Oga At The Top' Trending All Over The World.


  1. Rugged Man, it is called free press. what will you say when the media discovers a corrupt government official and ridicules him on TV, the presenters never imagined he wouldn't know his website, they just wanted him to say it simple. Opinions like this is what hinders a country's growth. So shut up, i thought you always rap about how Nigerian government officials are corrupt, isn't that distasteful as well? May be you now work for nscdc.

  2. To be honest , rugged man is saying the truth. Those guys were unprofessional. Asking an adult a question too many times when you knew that he didn't know the answer.

  3. It's a free press though, I understand both ways. U cannot invite someone to ur tv show and embarrass them like that. Not cool.

  4. The man's wife is very upset, the kids are being ridiculed in sch. I feel sorry now for them.

  5. So its the fault of Channels Tv that this man doesn't know his website? Of course i feel for his wife and children. Its the fault of Nigeria and not the tv station, before you employ anybody, check his credentials, in USA, there are debates before presidential elections, in England, there is Prime ministers Question time where the PM is subjected to ridicule by the opposition, in Nigeria, nothing of such happens because they are not qualified, imagine if this happens in BBC? Our leaders are interviewed and they embarrass themselves, who would you blame? A free press is the bedrock of a civilized society.

  6. @ anon 16:56 I agree with you. If it was BBC they would have made a movie out of this.

  7. Just his opinion , we are all entited to one.

  8. The Oga on top saga will gradually fade away, you don't have to fight for that man ruggedybaba. The guy made a terrible mistake, and we all do. It's just that we make mistakes in different things and ways. That man may not know how to use a computer.


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