Monday 25 March 2013

Spread Until This Rapist Is Caught:Have You Seen Him?

A video has been recently released and it's been making round around social media all week' bbm,Facebook etc.The good thing is, the animal dared to show his face.
The young girl in the video can be heard screaming while been raped 'aye mi ti baje' meaning 'my life is ruined' while the rapist and two of his friends filmed and laughed at her.
The video has been sent to the authority, this rapist needs to be where he belong.
Below are some screen shots from the video, hopefully someone who knows him will speak up and identify him, We need to find him and get him arrested. The monster should not be out there, he is dangerous.

Some Photos below.


  1. I feel like stabbing the bastard thru that picture. Gosshhh. Humans are turning into animals.

  2. What a world. Animals!!!

  3. And they filmed it? They will catch him very soon.

  4. Look at his ugly head. Cow.

  5. Heartless fools


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