Sunday 22 September 2013

Chris Brown Disses Jay Z In New Interview.

Uh oh. Chris called out Jay Z in a new interview, saying the legendary rapper sold drugs and stabbed someone but he still ‘gets a pass’ for his criminal past. Chris says he means ‘no disrespect’ to Hov — but do you think it was a diss?

Chris Brown has certainly seen his fair share of criticism from the media, and while he fully accepts the blame for his mistakes — including assaulting his former girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 — he’s wondering why other artists like Jay Z, 43, don’t seem to get any grief for their past indiscretions. Read on for more details.

Chris Brown: Jay Z Sold Drugs, But ‘Gets A Pass’ For Criminal Past — New Beef?

Chris, 24, isn’t perfect, and nobody knows that better than the X artist himself.  That said, he’s paid for his mistakes, and he wants to put his troubled past behind him– but no one will let him. In a new interview with JET magazine, Chris seems to wonder why he can’t catch a break from the public while Jay Z, for example, can do no wrong. Read more.
“No disrespect, because I’m a fan, but nobody brings up the fact that [Jay Z] stabbed somebody and sold drugs. He gets a pass,” says Chris, who will be featured on the magazine’s Oct. 14th cover.

Chris is referring to a 1999 incident in which Jay Z allegedly stabbed record producer Lance “Un” Rivera. Jay pleaded guilty to the stabbing in 2001, and was sentenced to three years probation. As for drug dealing, Jay Z confessed in a 2009 interview with Oprah that he was slinging crack in Brooklyn starting at age 13.

Chris has a point — Jay Z is a highly respected artist and no one seems to feel the need to dredge up his violent history, while Chris constantly faces reminders of his wrongdoings.

Breezy believes he will eventually escape his past, though.

“You have to go through the struggle before you can get to the good part,” he says. “I don’t try to lash out at people, or be as mad or impulsive as I used to be.” Good for you, Chris!


  1. Chris is on something very dry, how dare he??? U dont have to use someone to cover ur mistakes.

  2. pple will only forget when u move on Chris, stop talking about it.


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