Wednesday 18 December 2013

Robert Mugabe Takes Yet Another Step of Defiance to Anger The British Hierarchy

The President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe wants Victoria Falls to be renamed 'the smoke that thunders' to get rid of its colonial history.

The president believes Victoria Falls does not reflect its liberation heritage. The waterfall, which is along the Zambezi River at the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.Locals already refer to the landmark as Mosi Oa Tunya, which means 'the smoke that thunders'. He has sort for the ruling party, Zanu PF, to get rid of all colonial names for towns and schools. Ignatious Chombo, local government minister, said: 'Institutions bearing colonial names must be changed and be given indigenous names. school syllabuses in schools must also change.'It was first discovered by Scottish explorer David Livingstone who named it after Queen Victoria.

Robert Mugabe was once made a Knight of the British Empire, but had it stripped and crippling sanctions placed on the country after he drove white farmers out of the country by taking their lands.

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