Thursday 30 January 2014

Pope Francis Graces The Cover Of Rolling Stone Magazine.

He has become the first pontiff to grace the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. It is a typical picture of the pope, smiling and waving, above the cover line, "The times they are a-changin.'"

This is one popular pope. Only last month he was smiling from the cover of Time magazine as its 2013 "person of the year." And that was his second Time cover appearance last year.But Rolling Stone is a rock music magazine, so it is a landmark decision to feature him. (No jokes then about a Rolling Stone gathers no mass).

Inside the magazine is a 7,700-word profile by contributing editor Mark Binelli, who writes: "In less than a year since his papacy began, Pope Francis has done much to separate himself from past popes and establish himself as a people's pope."

Yes he is a people's pope. We all love him.


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