Friday 31 January 2014

Psychologist: Signs He is & Will Cheat on You.

Psychologist author Martyn Stewart, who has over 15 years of experience in the field of psychology says there is relief for women who want to get into a relationship. Using brain analysis, anonymous case studies and maths he thinks there are 5 types of men to run from:

First up is The Lad's Lad, the type of man who loves getting drunk and is easily influenced by his friends in the pub (beer parlor) : claims: he is the most likely to do the dirty on you.
There's also The Manipulator  who's calculating, secretive and rather sneaky, to watch out for.
Then there's The Stupid Mistake, the man who acts first and thinks later, as well as The Opportunist, whose carefree attitude means he will take the chance to cheat as and when it comes along. Finally, there's The Disdain-er, one of the worst kinds. He is a classic misogynist, lacking any form of empathy with his girlfriend but will happily sympathise with the other girl he's texting.

Mr Psychologist, thanks for this info. See french President's wife who left her PRESIDENT husband with all the power, money and office of first lady, because he cheated. Some women takes no prisoner.


  1. My boyfrd does all of them. Now I am going to chop his head off.

  2. They all cheat. I dont need no signs mama, I just know.


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