Saturday 1 February 2014

Ohh Dear: Justin Bieber's 'Private Jet Held and Searched For Marijuana After Landing in New Jersey For The Super Bowl'

Troubled Star Justin Bieber landed at a New Jersey Airport from where he and his father were due to head for the Superbowl, only to be flagged by US. Customs officials upon landing because he has two criminal cases pending in Florida and in his native Canada. That was the initial reason he was stopped but as officials entered the jet, the New York Post reported that police detected 'a strong odor of pot' and sent drug sniffing-dogs on board.

The latest updates reported that the 20-year-old and all other passengers on the plane have been released from police custody after a search found no drugs on the plane.
What is happening for Justin Bieber:

-Plane was searched with sniffer dogs as soon as it landed
The jet 'reeked of pot'

-Bieber was reportedly flagged by U.S. Customs officials because of  pending criminal charges against him.

-Comes two days after turning himself in on assault charges in Toronto and the fight started 'when the driver didn't turn the music up loud enough'

-Singer was arrested in Miami for DUI and drag racing last Thursday.


  1. U see, now they are going to come for him.

  2. Good for u Justin, every little thing you will n shall be stopped.


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