Wednesday 28 May 2014

Pregnant Sudanese Woman on Death Row for Apostasy Gives Birth

Remember her? She is Meriam Yehya Ibrahim Ishag who married a Christian man and was sentenced to hang for apostasy earlier this month after refusing to renounce Christianity.

She has been allowed to nurse her baby girl for two years before the sentence would be carried out and remember, it is a death sentence for marrying a Christian and refusing to renouce.
According to BBC: Born to a Muslim father, she was convicted by a Sharia court.Sudan has a majority Muslim population, which is governed by Islamic law.
Hundred lashes. Ms Ibrahim was also convicted of adultery on the grounds that her marriage to a Christian man from South Sudan was void under Sudan's version of Islamic law, which says Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslims. For this the judge sentenced her to 100 lashes, which will reportedly be carried out when she has recovered from giving birth.

Ms Ibrahim was raised as an Orthodox Christian, her mother's religion, because her father, a Muslim, was reportedly absent during her childhood.

Amnesty International has revealled that she was arrested and charged with adultery in August 2013, and the court added the charge of apostasy in February 2014 when she said she was a Christian and not a Muslim.

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