Thursday 11 September 2014

13 Years Since September 11: A day to Recommit to America and the defeat of her enemies.

Thirteen is often said to be unlucky! It has been 13 years since the 9/11 attacks on the US in which almost 3,000 people were killed.

In New York, where the twin towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed, a new skyscraper has risen from the ashes of Ground Zero.

Irish artist Marcus Robinson has spent the past eight years filming the transformation, and his documentary Rebuilding the World Trade Center will be broadcast in the US on 11 September on the History Channel.

Time passes. Things change. The National September 11 Memorial Museum has opened. Some of the mementos and remembrances from the Family Room are now on display at the NY State Museum. At the same time some things stay the same. Too many families have been brought new to mourning at terrorisms’ hand.

"I ask that you use this anniversary not only to remember the events that took place thirteen years ago, but to recommit yourself to the cause of America"

Our sons and daughters will not bear the scars from seeing the towers fall, so the job of remembrance lies with us. Our job is to infuse America’s unique and indispensable principles, values, and role in the world into their thoughts, words, and deeds.

We need to force ourselves to remember that terrible day, from the comfort of our offices, homes, and backyard barbeques because while we’ve remained relatively safe on the home front for the past thirteen years, the world remains a dangerous place.

God bless America

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