Thursday 8 January 2015

So much for being a helpful young lad: Schoolboy handed print by train passenger claiming to be Robin Banks...Linked to 'Banksy' -print is worth £20,000.

A schoolboy on a train was handed a 'Banksy' by a passenger claiming to be the elusive graffiti artist.
Ben Azarya was handed the signed copy of an iconic print which he was told would be worth about £20,000 after he helped a stranger pick up his paints after the fell out of his bag.

The man, on a train in Oxenholme, Cumbria, introduced himself as Robin Banks, a name that has been linked to Banksy.
He signed a print of a flower thrower, with a distinctive autograph and gave it to the helpful 14-year-old telling him to 'have a good life'.

Ben had no idea who Banksy was until he got home and looked him up on the internet.

He said: 'He was on the phone for most of the time talking to someone called AK47.
 'He opened his rucksack and had a gas mask and spray paints inside. He got out a piece of paper and had colours marked on it of what he had been trying out and he dropped his colours.
'I picked them up for him and after that he started signing it in weird letters and numbers. He said 'do you know who Robin Banks is?'.

'I said no and he said 'this will be worth about £20,000 - have a good life, brother'.'

Ben didn't realise the significance of his encounter until he started researching Banksy.

The artist's worldwide fame has seen prices for his work skyrocket, with his art fetching more than £1m at auction.

Intense speculation surrounds his identity.

Ben described him as: 'White, in his late 40s. He was wearing scruffy clothes and he had a black, fluffy hat which looked really old.

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