Saturday 21 March 2015

Hero: Sergeant Shamar Thomas yells 'This is not a warzone! Stop killing my people' at NYPD Officers after Times Square Protest. (VIDEO)

It's an old video, I just had to share it again.... This is Inspiration.... After the violent clashes between police and protesters at a massive Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Times Square, a marine who served in Iraq delivered an impromptu speech in front of some NYPD officers, denouncing their crowd-control methods and police brutality. "This is not a war zone!" he yells at NYPD officers. "These are unarmed people."
A crowd eventually gathers around the marine, identified as Sergeant. Shamar Thomas, who served with the 3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion USMC in Iraq. Thomas, a New York native, then explains that his father served in Afghanistan, his mother served in Iraq and that he doesn't like seeing cops hurting the people he and his family fought to protect.
Watch the video after the cut.


  1. Wish we could tell those Boko haram to take a hike.

  2. Thats it... Stand up for your people


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