Thursday 7 May 2015

'I'll think about it'-Prince Harry gets a marriage proposal & a big kiss as he leaves Australia. (Photos)

 Prince Harry got way more than he bargained for when he appeared at Sydney, Australia's famous Opera House on Thursday, May 7 a marriage proposal and a kiss on the lips!

An Australian girl sought to make herself the newest member of the royal family by proposing to Prince Harry before he left Australia.

Victoria McRae even dressed the part: she wore a plastic crown, and made a big sign to get the Prince’s attention at the event at the Sydney Opera House.

Harry didn’t accept the proposal outright, however. He told McRae he’d have to think about it. But she did manage to kiss him fully on the lips.
Later, Harry said, “I never expected that many people to turn out at the Opera House … I got more than one kiss.”


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