Wednesday, 10 June 2015

VIDEO:Student on Wheelchair overlooked at fifth-grade graduation...School forgot to call her name.

So speechless right now and I guess you will be too depending on your temperament, riddled with anger.
Trinecia Blacklock, a fifth-grader at Houston’s Link Elementary School who uses a wheelchair to get around, was completely overlooked at her own graduation last week. Though her classmates’ names were all called so they could march across stage, Trinecia was totally left out.

She told CBS
“They closed up the ceremony and then forgot to call my name,” said Blacklock. Her mom, Tonisha McCowan, said they only remembered to do so when she prompted them. “How they missed her sitting there by herself down there in a wheelchair, I don’t know,” said McCowan. Even if they had remembered to call her in time, Blacklock said she wouldn’t have been able to fully take part.
“I wish I would have gone across the stage, but they have no ramp, nothing but stairs,” said Blacklock.

The school apologized and promised to review its graduation procedures, but as you can imagine, it’s too little and too late.
Watch the video after the cut

While Blacklock has her certificate, and her family bought her a cake to celebrate, the joys of the day were dimmed, her mom said. “It was just all very humiliating,” said McCowan. “Her joy from that day was stripped from right under her.”

In a statement, school administrators said they offered Blacklock and her family an apology, and that they plan on reviewing graduation procedures.

“Although the school had good intentions in acknowledging the student’s academic achievement, accommodations should have been made so the student could fully participate in the program or the program should have been adjusted,” the statement read.

With no ramp or way for Trinecia to grace the stage, it seems as though the elementary school never planned on accommodating her in the first place


  1. Chantelle Veronica Oualembo11 June 2015 at 09:27

    That's not fair!! Handicaps shouldn't be neglected, they are humans as well. I hope her family sues the school authorities.

  2. Awww dont cry

  3. Its shameful. stupid sch, they didnt even prepare for those with challenges. smh

  4. So unfair, they should have made her day.

  5. I cried watching that.

  6. This just messed me up. No justice in this world.

  7. But why make her feel this way.

  8. Dont worry God will watch over and protect you.


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