Ereme (Instagram name) is an Edo comedian on Instagram that we really like...He is also very talented and well loved by most.
He just posted the above on his IG page...
Read more after the cut... I hope this a joke Ereme...
And on Twitter, he wrote: "I'm about to flood ur timeline guys, feel free to unfollow or block me if it gets disturbing😈. I'm frustrated I can't lie and yes I'm too emotional n I got issues I know. Didn't realise how frustrating life cld be for a viner till I stated making videos on IG. I mean we love d craft but I think that's just our escape from reality. .
Most of us are dying inside and feel the only way we can be happy is by making other people around us happy. I mean I'm really fucked up for real💯. My family n relatives have bn a whole bunch of ducks up creations. I'm just wondering why God ever created them. .
Thank God for my mother and bro - willteg. Man wld have committed suicide right before this day . I'm at the point whereby if I cld find a gun, I'll just shoot my brains out and forget I ever existed. Life is really meaningless to me right now. I go to uni, work a minimum of 9 hours a day just to find money to pay my fees, my bills and rent but all to no avail. .
Figured out I cld Make Instagram videos to escape d pain but it just doesn't work out tht way. My relationship with my exes fcked up just because I'm sick Up in my brain. Got a number of fans but still choose to be an introvert. Sold my cam to balance my course fees just fr me to hear tht it's too late. Fuck everything. .
I won't be making any more videos frm now henceforth I'm sorry. Thanks to everyone who ever supported n stood by me, u are d only family I've got thts why I cherish u way more than u cld ever imagine. This wld be my last words n I'm gone for good.
God bless y'all n for those who've ever Seen me as an inspiration to them, I'm sorry shit had to go this way. I really am. Keep believing. Dreams do come true, mine just seems like an impossibility . I'm sorry Mom 😓🔫. N most of all my fans out there."
Crazeclown, another Nigerian comedian wrote on his Instagarm;
"Please anyone who knows him ( @twyse_116 ) personally please help us reach out to him .. If I can get his number or anything ... We can actually do something ... There is always a way out rather than taking your own life ... I totally know how it feels bro but remember last year when I lost my brother you sent me condolences and even when I lost my dad you stil stood by me and told me it's not the end of life ... All that made me stronger ... So believe me when I say it's not over ... Incase you reading this or not I just wanna let you know that you are the reason why thousands of people out there are happy every now and then! Don't disappoint them!!! Let this be the beginning of your Stardom! And for other people reading this, SUICIDE is no joke! Big names in the industry have killed themselves out of frustration and depression! You don't know what these people go TRU everyday COz they show you only what you want to see or what they want you to see!"
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