Monday 9 May 2016

Mum 30, facing jail for poisoning newborn baby girl with strong painkillers.

30-year-old mom,Rose Jones has confessed to administering a poison with intent to injure her one-year-old girl but denied doing the same to her other daughter.

Rose, of Keyham, Plymouth, Devon, put the Class C drug Tramadol into her expressed breast milk and gave it to her daughter between November 2014 and June 2015.The charge against her other two-year-old daughter will remain on file.

Plymouth Crown Court also heard that Jones pretended her ex had started a small fire in her home when in reality she had set it herself.
She pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice along with the charge of cruelty and possessing drugs.

Jones had also previously pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud, including one matter where she took someone else’s card and withdrew cash at an ATM.
Judge Ian Lawrie QC said the matter was ‘a complex case’ with a ‘complex defendant’.

He remanded Jones into custody, warning her she was ‘facing a significant period of custody’.
Jones will be sentenced at a hearing on May 19.

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