Thursday 25 July 2013

Photo: King Cobra Protects Puppies That Fell Into A Well.

The incident occurred in the Indian state of Punjab. Two puppies fell into a well. Their mother ran near the well and started barking, and attracted the attention of the owner, who looked inside and to his surprise there was a king cobra at the bottom, which didn't pose any threat to the puppies.
Moreover, the reptile, looked after the puppies, by not allowing them to cross to the other side, where they could possibly drown, when the well is filled with water. In general, they spent around 48 hours together at the bottom and in these 48 hours the cobra sat quietly next to them.
When help finally arrived from the forest department, the cobra slithered to the other end of the well. The puppies were not injured at all and the reptile was immediately taken into the woods and was released into the wild. Firemen were eventually called to the rescue. They rescued the snake too by releasing it into the wild.

Even the most deadly and dangerous creatures on earth know what Co-existence and mutual assistance is.
The human race is in this respect far behind, and this is our biggest setback.

...each tribe in Nigeria should learn how to live together irrespective of our religion.

We love you all and also show it to others. Peace!!!


  1. If animals can live in peace n harmony, I don't know why we humans hate ourselves. Never liked snakes, but this is super cool.

  2. Amazing pic. I cant believe this. Yes its cool.

  3. The puppies felt so intimidated.


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