Friday 15 February 2013

No African American Nurse Touches My Baby: Vile Scum and His Racist Demand.

It is hard to stomach or phantom that in this day and age, people still have this sort of thinking, well, like i have always maintained, there are ignorant and vile people out there, accept it and you will never feel offended. Back to story: A Michigan nurse is suing the hospital she works for after she was allegedly  barred from caring for a child because of her skin color.
The nurse, Tonya Battle, claims that she was caring for a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit of Hurley Medical Center when the baby's father asked to speak with a supervisor.

'The father told the [nurse in charge] that he did not want any African Americans taking care of his baby,' the lawsuit states.During the exchange, the man allegedly pulled up his sleeve and revealed a tattoo believed to be a Swastika, according to the lawsuit. The baby was immediately reassigned to another nurse. The nurse claims that when she turned up for work the next day, there was a note on the task board asking all African American nurses not to take care of the man's baby.

Na wah ohh, i think she should sue both the man and the hospital for putting up with the man's behavior, he should have been asked to seek the services of another hospital. He should go live in the North pole where everywhere is white. **Kiss my teeth**


  1. This is 2013, grow up.

  2. Yeah sue them all. The hospital and the man. If she can sue d hospital double'that would be better. That's so not fair.


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