Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Walk Together :Thousand of Defiant London Commuters stepped off the train, to walk their final stop in memory of those who died in 7/7 terror attack in 10 Years ago in London.

It is ten years to the day that the country suffered one of its most abhorrent attacks on freedom.
And as Britain remembers the events of 7/7/2005, thousands have put on a defiant display in the face of the ever-encroaching threat of terror.
In memory of those killed in the bombings a decade ago, commuters across London and the rest of the UK today stepped off the train, Tube and bus one stop early to walk the remainder of their journey.
Uniting in their tributes to the dead, they shared photographs of the poignant gesture on Twitter accompanied with the words #walktogether.
Some held signs bearing the phrase while others photographed their feet and held hands, posting their photographs on social media.
It came as David Cameron, Boris Johnson and other leading parliamentary figures laid wreaths at a memorial in Hyde Park in memory of the 52 people who were killed in the attacks.
Families of those who died when suicide bombers detonated a series of blasts across London were also at Kings Cross to meet commuters today.
Below is a collection of some of the thousands of tributes paid today to the victims of the attacks by their fellow Londoners and countrymen.


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