Wednesday 11 May 2016

Boy 22,kills father,60 then buries him in a shallow grave.

Tragedy struck in the community of Umuajani, Umudioka in Dunukofia Local Government Area of Anambra State, was thrown into pandemonium after a 60-year-old man, Charles Maduekwe, who had been declared as missing over three weeks ago, was discovered to have been killed by his own son, Emeka, who buried him in a shallow grave at the back of the family compound.
The son-turned-murderer, a self-acclaimed pastor who operates a chapel in his father’s house, allegedly confessed to killing his father the man was in the habit of placing curses on him.

Before the abominable crime was uncovered, Emeka was said to be seen by the villagers as a dutiful son and a respected pastor in the area, but little did the people know that they were habouring a murderous criminal in their midst as he carried on as if he had not done such a dastardly act.
According to eyewitnesses, when the kinsmen asked him the whereabouts of his father after he had not been seen for weeks, he allegedly told them that his father had travelled.

One of the kinsmen said:

“When we asked him again, he said he travelled but when you looked at him, you would know very well that he was lying. His mouth was shaking and he actually betrayed his innocence.

We moved to his father’s house and there, we saw some fresh sand covered with leaves and we asked him what he did there, he said he dug pit toilet there but his father said he should close it and he did so.

People became suspicious and we decided to unearth the pit and at a level, confusion came in and many said there was nothing there but one of us said no, we should continue, that he perceived some odour and they continued and in a short time, the foot of the man was seen and the boy wanted to run but the youths stopped him and pounced on him.

He confessed that he killed his father and put him into the pit; he also said that the pit took him four days to dig and that he killed him because he cursed him.”

The decomposing body of the late Maduekwe was later exhumed and reburied after the people performed some traditional rituals and cleansed the land.
The people could have lynched the suspect but for policemen from a neighbouring community came to his rescue and whisked him away.

Speaking on the incident, a youth in the village said:

“I interviewed the boy myself and recorded it on my phone. I asked him; 'why did you kill your dad? What did he do that you killed him?' He said his father used to curse him. I asked him how long it took him to dig the pit and he said it took him four days.”

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