Wednesday 11 May 2016

VIDEO: Nigeria Not Seeking An Apology After PM's Toe-Curling Gaffe, but 'Wants The Return of Assets'

The Nigerian president has said he will not demand an apology from David Cameron over his comments about “fantastically corrupt” countries, instead demanding “the return of assets to Nigeria”.

Giving his keynote speech at the opening of a Commonwealth anti-corruption summit in London. President Buhari calmly puts: “What do I need an apology for? I need something tangible, I have already mentioned how Britain really led and how disgraceful one of the Nigerian executives was. He had to dress like a woman to leave Britain and leave behind him his bank account and fixed assets, which Britain is prepared to hand over to us. This is what I am asking for.”

Mr Cameron has been criticised by officials from Nigeria and Afghanistan after he was caught on camera telling the Queen they were “possibly the two most corrupt countries in the world”.

The Prime Minister was heard saying: “We had a very successful cabinet meeting this morning to talk about our anti-corruption summit, we’ve got the Nigerians… actually we’ve got the leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain.”

Despite Nigeria ranking 136 out of 167 countries in Transparency International's 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index. The PM still thought Nigeria is possibly the most "fantastically corrupt" country in the world.

Last week, Nigerian Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo said that an estimated $15bn (£10bn) of government money had been stolen through corrupt arms contracts under the previous government.

And in March, an official audit found that Nigeria's state-owned oil company had failed to pay the government $25bn in a suspected fraud.

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